FLASH SPECIAL!! VAlentine’s Day 12p-8p. First come, first served. $30-$80 tattoos! CASH ONLY please. Prices are marked next to each tattoo. Come hang out with us and feel free to share with your friends! January 19, 2019January 19, 2019 admin
There is so much to tell you guys! I’ll start with our FLASH SPECIAL!! Beginning TODAY and going thru 10/30! $40-60. Ready for this..?.. You can MAKE AN APPOINTMENT for these. NO WAITING FOREVER!! So give us a call to schedule yours! First come, first served and spaces ARE limited. ?? October 18, 2018November 2, 2018 admin
Y’all ready for a FLASH SPECIAL?!!! Deets coming soon so mark your calendars for 3/17! In the meantime, enjoy this rad art by Jimmy Nation! March 2, 2018 admin